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Presse release - 29/06/2023

Paris CBD : Axe Immobilier acquires the mixed-use building at 7 rue de Surène (Paris 8th) from AEW

Following the acquisition of 33 rue de Miromesnil (Paris 8th, in joint-venture with Anaxago), Axe Immobilier continues its strategy of enhancing Parisian buildings. On May 15, 2023, the independent developer-investor company, co-founded thirty years ago by Alain Beynet and Alain Delaporte, invested by acquiring the mixed-use building at 7 rue de Surène (8th district). With an area of approximately 1,700 sq m, this office and retail complex was acquired off-market from AEW, acting on behalf of one of its clients. 

This building will undergo a significant redevelopment by Bouchaud Architectes, to create high quality flexible workplaces that promote well-being at work (including the creation of green spaces and accessible terraces) and to restore this building dating from 1845 in accordance with best practices, particularly its historic Parisian staircase. As a testament to its ambitious environmental and bioclimatic approach, the project aims for BREEAM, HQE, Wiredscore and Biodivercity certifications. 

Cédric de Lestrange, managing director of Axe Immobilier stated “with over  110,000 sq m redeveloped, including 70,000 sq m in Paris, and many iconic buildings, AXE IMMOBILIER brings its expertise to serve Parisian and ecological ambitions :creating new mixed-use spaces, restoring the splendor of 19th century heritage, providing efficient and pleasant workplaces for companies and their employees, use wooden structures and creating a freshness island oasis."

For this acquisition, Axe Immobilier was assisted by Transactions & Compagnie (Bertrand Sasson and Jocelyn de Vriese) and Aguesseau Notaires (Mathilde Lecomte). AEW was assisted by Baum Notaires (Nicolas Baum, Naelle Naar, Marine Torras) and KPMG (Jean-Etienne Chatelon and Xavier Loran).


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