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Presse release - 24/01/2023


Two years after the settlement by Axe Immobilier and Plateau Urbain of more than 340 organisations from the associative, cultural, artistic, craft and social economy fields, the building East Village (formerly OPALE), located in Montreuil, hosts since the 16th of January 2023, an emergency accommodation centre managed by Cités Caritas. An intermediate, mixed, and social project. 

This building of 10,000 sq m has been made available to Plateau Urbain by Axe Immobilier for over two years. An emergency accommodation centre for 50 people managed by Cités Caritas now hosts families with the support of the Regional and inter-departmental administration for the accommodation and housing (DRIHL) and the City of Montreuil.

"The provision of the building OPALE (renamed East Village) by Axe Immobilier enabled us to develop third places receiving more than 340 organisations since its opening in February,2021. Today, we have succeeded in partnership with Cités Caritas in including to this program a 50-bed emergency accommodation centre in this old office building: a small step towards temporary reversibility of office building into emergency accommodation centre. With this new configuration, this third place will take on another dimension and allow us to work on the acceptability of emergency accommodation centre in Ile-de-France Region. Opale now offers a double exchange for those who daily visit it: the discovery of a social project for organisations already settled and new integration facilities’ for people working in the social field.” Said Simon Laisney, founder and CEO of Plateau Urbain.

Cédric de Lestrange, CEO of Axe Immobilier adds “ our 2-years partnership with Plateau Urbain expresses our desire, with the city of Montreuil to have inhabited, lively buildings and in communication with the city, even during the planning and designing stages of a large-scale urban project,. We are delighted to contribute to democratizing these mixed, intense, lively places conducive to the creation of new goods and services. Because temporary occupation is more useful and creative than a society of guards.”

“Hosting of families in this interim emergency accommodation centre, open during the winter and located in an area, the city of Montreuil where the association is well established provides a new opportunity for Cités Caritas to support  and integrate these families sustainably.” Says Cités Caritas. 

Patrice Bessac, Mayor of Montreuil and president of Est Ensemble: “faced with the harsh reality where the number of people in situations of social emergency is increasing, we defend the right to housing as a fundamental right. That is why Montreuil, faithful to its values as a city of solidarity and welcome, is proud to see a new emergency accommodation centre being established on its territory.” 

The temporary occupation of the future building “East Village” will continue until August 2023. Axe Immobilier’s urban project, which will provide Montreuil and its businesses with a tertiary complex of reference for quality of life and occupational health, at the heart of Montreuil’s dynamism , will be the natural and ambitious extension of the success of this temporary, solidarity, and creative occupation.



Business Immo I     IMMOWEEK I 2     Montreuil. Un nouveau centre d’hébergement d’urgence s’installe dans des bureaux vacants I 3    Axe Immobilier - centre d'hébergement Caritas I 4   I  Axe Immobilier - centre d'hébergement Caritas I 5     Le Montreuillois - un centre d'hébergement d'urgence en centre ville - AXE IMMOBILIER  I 6 (cf. page 5)