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News - 12/12/2023


On the occasion of the 2023 SIMI Exhibition, Axe Immobilier organized a roundtable on December 12, 2023 dedicated to “the challenge of redevelopment : good for heritage, good for ecology and good for the economy”. Moderated by Gaël Thomas from Business Immo, the frank and passionate dialogue brought together redevelopment actors from investment, development, architecture and and low-carbon transition sectors thanks to the presence of : 


  • Jean-Marc Coly – President of the French Association of Real Estate Investment Companies (ASPIM)
  • Bruno Bouchaud – architect, founder of Bouchaud Architects 
  • Claire Chabrol – project manager at « Booster du Réemploi » (of which Axe Immobilier is a member) and head of the “Unissons – Action for Market Transformation – A4MT” movement 
  • Cédric de Lestrange, president of Axe Immobilier 

As undeveloped land becomes increasingly scarce and public authorities advocate for more resilient urban planning, limiting urban sprawl as well as emissions and environmental burden, redevelopment is now the main lever for urban development actors. Existing buildings constitute the main land of tomorrow, along with industrial, commercial, or even tertiary brownfields.

Therefore, participants discussed the major challenges of this heritage and ecological enhancement, using examples of redevelopments carried out by Axe Immobilier, either already delivered (110,000 sq m redeveloped, including 70,000 sq m in Paris) or under development (four outdated buildings being reinvented, in Montreuil and especially in Paris). Over the past few months, Axe Immobilier has acquired three remarkable heritage assets in Paris, including the building at 7 rue de Surène (8th district), which will be redeveloped with Bouchaud Architectes.

All participants advocated for intensifying this joint effort to preserve our urban heritage, as well as our natural resources, through a systematic search for the conservation of existing structures whenever possible and the reuse of materials. This approach allows offering residents and businesses green, sustainable buildings, adapted to modern way of living and working, while also having a central location that will ensure the long-term heritage of their future owners.

Click on the image below to watch the conference video.

Conférence AXE IMMOBILIER lors du SIMI 2023 sur le défi du redéveloppement


Also, watch the conference recap featuring Cédric de Lestrange and Bruno Bouchaud on the  BiTV set