News - 17/10/2022
On October 17th 2022, Grand Paris Aménagement (GPA) published the conclusions and results of the tender to reference its future real estate developers' partners. The objective of GPA is to work for building a subdued, inclusive, productive, and resilient city, with partners selected depending on their know-how, their commitment, and their track record.
Among the 174 active candidates in Ile-de-France region, Axe Immobilier has been approved in 8 of the 16 categories reflecting the public urban planner's challenges:
- Mixed and intensified use
- Adaptation to the climate of 2050
- Nature, biodiversity, artificialization
- Reuse of materials
- Mutability and evolution of buildings
- New materials and construction methods
- Quality of achievement and construction management (Axe Immobilier has been selected among the jurors' “crushes”, which corresponds to the 3 best developers, for this category)
- Innovation
For its "crush", Grand Paris Amenagement underlines our conscious choice of internal and integrated construction management team whereby we adopt the means to handle the whole value chain and ensure the quality of projects that we deliver. Stephan de Faÿ, CEO of Grand Paris Aménagement said "Originally specialised in redevelopment of complex buildings, the company kept the high technical standards of its origins. Having chosen to develop a very strong construction management skills internally, Axe Immobilier is very involved in all the technical choices from designing to implementation. Its modus operandi in construction phase also offers great guarantees, in limiting noise effects as well as monitoring the quality of realization".
This acknowledgement confirms the know-how of Axe Immobilier in urban management and also fits with our commitments for the planet for which we have been complying with, for the last 30 years, through all our projects.
Find the conclusions and results of this tender on the Website of Grand Paris Aménagement